About College
Choosing postgraduate study can be a key career choice. Many of you will be in professional positions with demands on your time including perhaps, family and other outside interests, but are also ambitious to progress in your employment. Some others may be keen on continuing your studies after having completed an undergraduate degree; recently or perhaps you have an interest in a particular area and keen to carry out some research.
Whatever your aims, are choosing the OMEGA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY means you are enhancing your prospects with a flexible programme underpinned by outstanding support, dedicated teaching staff and a recognized strength in applied programme.
In addition, our multicultural student community and outstanding facilities will enhance your overall learning experience at OMEGA. We look forward to welcoming you into the Institute.
At OMEGA we encourage you to Dream, Plan and Achieve. It’s a college where knowledge is valued and shared, where educational skills developed are and where achievement is recognized, rewarded and celebrated.